- A well rounded, comprehensive art education with an interdisciplinary and holistic approach in Baden near Zurich-

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Painting Watercolour Cards

Sat, Sep 7th

Casino Park, Baden

14:00 - 16:00

We will meet at Casino Park in Baden and, in this beautiful setting, we will spend the afternoon painting small watercolour cards as per my Instagram page Instagram/jay.watercolour_ We will be also looking at  different watercolour effects such as wet on wet, glazing, using the drop to paint washes.

When: Sat, Sep 7th

Time: 14:00 - 16:00

Location: Casino Park, Baden

Price: 51 CHF (price includes a box of watercolour and watercolour paper block from Sostrene Grenes).

To register please wattsup me on: 076 750 02 05

Art Therapy to Relax

Sat, Sep 14th

Casino Park, Baden

14:00 - 16:00

We will meet at Casino Park in Baden and, in this beautiful setting, we will spend the afternoon painting 10 art therapy  handouts printed on high quality mixed media/watercolour paper.

Price includes sketch book for loose and spontaneous painting and a watercolour box from Sostrene Grenes. No judgment nor feedback on work provided, complete the tasks provided,  paint freely and from imagination.

Spend 2 hours of relaxation with other art lovers, bring home your handouts and your new box of colour, and paper.

When: Sat, Sep 14tth

Time: 14:00 - 16:00

Location: Casino Park, Baden

Price: 56 CHF (price includes 10 art therapy handouts, a box of watercolour and watercolour paper block from Sostrene Grenes).

To register please wattsup me on: 076 750 02 05


Storytelling, Art and Colour

with Carolina Cabrera

Art is about connecting the dots and seeing the bigger picture. The most famous artists in history were well-rounded people that were at the same time artists, engineers, scientist, mathematicians and poets.

Leonardo Da Vinci was an engineer, scientist and painter.

Michelangelo was a sculptor, architect, painter, botanist and poet.

William Blake was a poet and an artist.

For this reason, we are interested in showing the children how art connects with everything else, and everything else connects back to art.

In the past, we had the opportunity to visit and contribute to ArtSci exhibition at  ETH in Zurich, and explore the intersection between art and science.

This time we will have the opportunity in the coming weeks to explore the relationship between literature, in particular, storytelling and art.  We will be joined at the studio by Carolina Cabrera who is a librarian and social worker and currently regularly reads stories to children at the library in Baden, schools and kindergartens. She is also the author of a book, Ich zieh an, was mich glüklich macht, und du?

After hearing a story from Carolina, we will follow up with creative activities related to that particular story. For this first event we are planning to work with self-expression, colour and feelings.

Children have often strong emotions which range from joy and excitement, to anger and disappointment, and children are still in the process of learning how to process these; art can give them a tool for expressing their feelings in a positive and creative way.  

We will learn how different colours are related to different emotions: red for example can be used to express love or anger, blue tranquillity and sadness, orange creativity and excitement,  yellow joy, and how we can use these to create a piece of art for self-expression and fun!



Urban Sketching at Historisches Museum Baden

with Amanda Jane West

An exquisite architectural gem with a large picture window over the river offers a chance to do urban sketching whatever the weather. A wooden bench runs the entire length of the room with a cill to accommodate a small easel, and urban views of the beautiful Baden in every direction.

Amanda will give a 2 hour workshop on urban sketching with pencil and fiber tip pens on A4 format.

Minimum age 11 years old.

Possible days during the summer months: Wednesday afternoons 2pm- 4pm or Saturday afternoon 2pm- 4pm


40 CHF including material and excluding entrance fee.

Note *entrance fee is free for children under 16 and 8 CHF for over 16.

 Minimum number 5 and maximum 8

please email: info@jartstudiogallery.com to reserve a place on this workshop


Art Summer Workshop

We love summer! :)



Happy Birthday!

Enjoy a creative birthday celebration!



Art Summer Workshop

Perfect Day for a Picnic!



Magician Selim Tolga

Transform your party into an unforgettable event!

Magician Selim Tolga transforms your party into an unforgettable and unique event! Whatever you celebrate - Magician Birthday, Magician Wedding, learning simple magic tricks - or Kids Magic Show - Magician Zurich performs with lots of comedy and charm!

For more information please email: info@jartstudiogallery.com or visit selimtolga.ch



Unity in Diversity

Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common.

 Celebrate it every day.

Coming Soon!!

I am currently planning this event which will take the form of an art competition; we  will be using different art forms and mediums to  celebrate unity in diversity.

For more information, as well as rules and guidance for how to take part in this project, please keep checking this page for fresh updates!

This project is currently on hold, I will update soon!


Fundraising Event: Face Painting

27th Oct 2012

11 am to 4 pm

“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” Tessa Edwards

JArt Studio-Gallery is organising a fun face painting event for charity which will take place in autumn, just before Halloween! Hence the theme of the day will be Halloween. All are welcome to take part, children as well as adults. Come dressed casually, or even better, show up in a fancy dress – so that getting your face painted will add that extra touch to your mask!

The price for a face painting will be 10 Fr each; however, donations for other amounts will also be accepted as this is a chance to contribute towards a good cause.

If you would like to take part but cannot make it for the day, you can still help/contribute by making a donation towards this event/organization via the “donate button” below, or directly via the Green Cross page.

All Proceedings in fact will go to the Swiss Green Cross which facilitates overcoming consequential damages caused by industrial and military disasters, and the clean-up of contaminated sites from the period of the Cold War. Central issues are the improvement of the living quality of people affected by chemical, radioactive and other types of contamination, as well as the promotion of a sustainable development in the spirit of cooperation instead of confrontation. This includes the involvement of all stakeholder groups affected by a problem.

Swiss Green Cross Page

Green Cross

Many thanks to all who took part and kindly donated towards this event


Art Tours: Florence

12th  to 15th  Apr 2012

Having a coffee in the Uffizi Gallery

Tour Description:

Day one: Friday

We will begin our tour of Florence by visiting the Academy Gallery which houses one of the city’s great masterpieces: Michelangelo’s David. From there, we move on to the city religious center were we will be able to view some of Florence’s most impressive buildings including the Duomo – Santa Maria del Fiore -  with Brunelleschi’s famous dome, the baptistery and Giotto’s bell tower.

Then we proceed to the charming Signoria Square, were we will admire beautiful statues by Cellini, Giambologna, Ammanati until we then reach the renowned Ponte Vecchio. And lastly, we’ll go on to visit the church of Santa Croce where we will be able to see works by Giotto and Donatello, as well as the tombs of illustrious Florentine citizens such as Michelangelo, Galileo and Macchiavelli.

Day two: Saturday

Day two of our tour will begin with a visit to the oldest art museum in the world: the Uffizi Gallery, which houses artworks by Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael, Vasari, Titian and Caravaggio to name a few.

Then we will make our way to the church of Santa Maria Novella where we will be able to admire beautiful frescoes by Masaccio, Ghirlandaio, Filippo Lippi and Giotto as well as its imposing façade by Alberti. 

Day three: Sunday

On day three of our tour we will start the day by visiting the oldest church In Florence - San Lorenzo - which was consecrated by St Ambrose in 393, and then rebuilt in 1060 in a Romanesque style. The present building was built by the architect Brunelleschi in 1423. Inside this basilica we will also view the renowned Medici Chapels which were constructed with the aim to celebrate the power of the Medici as Grand Dukes of Tuscany; one of the two - the Sagrestia Nuova   “New Sacristy” - was designed by Michelangelo.


1 - Academy Gallery

2 - Santa Maria del Fiore’s Church (Duomo) and Cupola.

3 - Baptistery 

4 - Giotto’s Bell Tower

5 - Signoria Square

6 - Ponte Vecchio 

7 - Santa Croce’s Church

8 - Uffizi Gallery

9 - Santa Maria Novella’s Church

10 - San Lorenzo

Fees include:

1 - Return train ticket from Zurich (2nd class). Prices are subject to booking period and notice (estimated between 100/250 CHF) . Leaving Thu,12.04.2012 coming back Sun, 15.04.2012

2 - Three nights hotel accommodation (price TBA/ Subject to booking period and notice - estimated between 250/350 CHF for the stay)

3 – Admission to sites  + Tour: CHF 195 (per person)    


1 - Meals and drinks

2 - Personal Expenses

3 - Optional Activity Costs

Register Your Interest:

To book a place, register your interest, or to request more information about this tour please e-mail:


Tour requires a minimum attendance of 6 people

***Please note that in order to take advantage of the best available prices you should book your place as earlier as possible, as fares such as hotels and train transportation tend to become more expensive closer to the tour dates***.   



Batik Style Painting

Saturday 25th Feb 2012

10 am to 6 pm

The name "Batik" - which means what is drawn - derives from the Indonesian words "amba" (to write) and "titik" (drop).

This technique of painting on fabric was probably already known and practiced by the Egyptians and was introduced in the Java Island (Indonesia) between 300 and 400 A.D. by Indian traders. In Europe, however, this painting style is today still not much known or widespread. This workshop, thus, will provide you with a unique opportunity to learn about this fascinating art. You will be introduced to Batik by working on a chosen design, reproduce it on a silk or cotton support, learn about different waxing procedures, colouring and drying of the fabric, removing of the wax and fixing of colour.

The workshop will run from 10 am to 6 pm and you will have the opportunity to create from one to three painted pieces including a scarf, a cushion cover or a painting.

This course will be taught by Ludovica who has lived in Malaysia for three years; it was in fact there that she discovered and  developed her passion for Batik painting.

This workshop will also be an excellent opportunity for spending some quality time together, meet new people and have lots and lots of fun!!

If this sounds interesting, join us at the studio-gallery on the 25th of Feb for a day of fun and creativity!!

Book now!! Places are limited!!

***Please give confirmation with at least 10 days notice***. 

Price per person: Fr 150.00 (price includes art material and a light refreshment )


Art Tours: Milan  

4th Dec 2011

Tour Description:

We will begin our tour of Milan by visiting the beautiful and imposing Duomo which is located in the heart of the town. The constructions of this impressive cathedral began in 1386 and lasted over 400 years; today, it has become the symbol of the city and is often described as one of the greatest churches in the world.

Next we will walk through to the glamorous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, where we will have a chance to admire some of the most prestigious fashion shops in Milan, see new trends, and if you wish, you can stop to have lunch or a coffee in one of its many shops and cafeterias. Through the gallery we will then reach the piazza housing the world renowned theatre of La Scala – Milan’s opera house where many famous artists including Maria Callas and Luciano Pavarotti performed, and also where the woks of composers such as Verdi and Puccini first debuted.  

Then we will walk through the Brera District - a fashionable and historic part of the city - until we reach the Castello Sforzesco, where we will have an opportunity to visit parts of its art collections.

But the highlight of our tour will be the chance to view Leonardo’s ‘Last Supper’ in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie’s convent. This masterpiece was painted in the 15th century and it has recently been restored and brought back to its original state - it is in fact now possible to admire all its beautiful details and colours. This fresco has earned a place in the UNESCO world heritage list and its popularity made even more widespread by Dan Brown’s bestselling novel: The Da Vinci Code. 


1-     Duomo

2-     Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

3-     La Scala Thatre

4-     Brera District

5-     Castello Sforzesco

6-     Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’

Fees Include:

1- Return train ticket from Zurich (2nd class)

(Train prices are subject to booking period and notice. You will be leaving Zurich in the morning and returning in the evening, however, if you wish to make your own travel arrangements or spend the weekend in Italy, you can meet us in Milan, outside the Duomo).

3- Visit to Duomo

4- Admission to La Scala’s museum and theatre (theatre depending on availability)

5- Admission to the Castello Sforzesco

6- Admission to Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’


1-     Meals and drinks

2-     Personal expenses

3-     Optional activity costs


1- Tour + entrance to sites: Fr 65

 2- Train ticket: TBA

Tour Date:

TBA:  subject to Leonardo’s ‘Last Supper’ availability – this seems to be a very popular tourist attraction and booking sometimes need to be made months in advance.

Register Your Interest:

To book a place, register your interest, or to request more information about this tour, please e-mail: info@jartstudiogallery.com

Tour requires a minimum attendance of 6 people.

This tour is scheduled for Dec 4th 2011.

Please Note:

1- In order to enter some of the religious sites, such as the Duomo or the ‘Last Supper’, please make sure you wear appropriate clothing: no short skirts or sleeveless tops allowed or you may be denied entry.

2- Please bring comfortable shoes.

4 - Visit to the ‘Last Supper’ is guarded and lasts no longer than 15 minutes – this time has been set by the Italian Soprintendenza.

5- Visits to some of the sites may be not allowed in case of special events (Scala Theatre /  Duomo ) - I will however do my best to check the schedules before our visit.

6- Tour does not include a visit to the top of the Duomo.



Member of the International Wheel of Colour Association

Tel: +41 (0)76 750 02 05,  e-Mail: info@jartstudiogallery.com, Address:  Zürcherstrasse 103, 5400 Baden, Switzerland 

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